$ \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{arg\,min} \DeclareMathOperator*{\min}{min} \newcommand{\XX}{\mathcal{X}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\ff}{\mathbf{f}} \def\DD{{\mathcal D}} \newcommand{\green}{\color{green}} \newcommand{\blue}{\color{blue}} \def\hyperparam{{\green \lambda}} \def\testloss{{{\text{test_loss}}}} \def\trainloss{{{\text{train_loss}}}} $

Hyperparameter optimization with approximate gradient

Fabian Pedregosa

Chaire Havas-Dauphine
Paris-Dauphine / École Normale Supérieure


Most machine learning models depend on at least one hyperparameter to control for model complexity. Examples include:

  • Amount of regularization.
  • Kernel parameters.
  • Architecture of a neural network.
Model parameters
Estimated using some (regularized) goodness of fit on the data.
Cannot be estimated using the same critera as model parameters (overfitting).

Gradient-based hyperparam. optim.

Given a train and a test set, find optimal $\ell_2$ regularization

$$ \begin{aligned} \argmin_{\lambda \in \DD} & ~\testloss(X(\lambda)) \\ \text{s.t. } X(\lambda) = \argmin_{x \in \RR^p} & ~\trainloss(x) + \frac{\lambda}{2} \|x\|^2 \quad. \end{aligned} $$

Hyperparameter optimization as nested or bi-level optimization [J. Domke et al., 2012]

Why not use gradient-based methods to solve this optimization problem?

Gradient-based hyperparam. optim.

How do you compute the gradient of the test loss w.r.t. hyperparameters?

$$ \begin{aligned} \argmin_{\lambda \in \DD} & ~{\text{test_loss}(X(\lambda))} \\ \text{s.t. } X(\lambda) \in \argmin_{x \in \RR^p} & ~\text{train_loss}(x) + \frac{\lambda}{2} \|x\|^2 \quad. \end{aligned} $$

By the chain rule, $$ \nabla_{\lambda} \testloss(\lambda) = \frac{\partial \text{test_loss}}{\partial X} \cdot \underbrace{\frac{\partial X}{\partial \lambda}}_{\text{WTF?}} $$

A way out

Reformulate the inner optimization as an implicit equation (assume e.g. loss is smooth and convex)

$ X(\lambda) \in \argmin_{x \in \RR^p} ~\trainloss(x) + \frac{{\lambda}}{2} \|x\|^2 $

$\iff ~\nabla_X \{\underbrace{\testloss(X(\lambda)) + \frac{{\lambda}}{2} \|X(\lambda)\|^2}_{h(\lambda, X(\lambda))}\} = 0 $

  • Characterize $X(\lambda)$ as an implicit equation.
  • Trick rediscovered many times [J. Larsen 1996, Y. Bengio 2000]

A way out

The original problem can now be written as

$$ \begin{aligned} \argmin_{\lambda \in \DD} & ~{\text{test_loss}(X(\lambda))} \\ \text{s.t. }& \nabla_X h(\lambda, X(\lambda)) = 0 \quad. \end{aligned} $$

Using the formula of implicit differentiation, it is possible to derive a formula for the gradient of the objective function

$$ \nabla_{\lambda} \testloss = - \nabla_X \testloss(X(\lambda)) \cdot \underbrace{(\nabla^2 \trainloss(X(\lambda)) + \lambda I)^{-1} \cdot X(\lambda)}_{\text{costly to compute}} $$

  • Old (unknown?) result [J. Larsen 1996, Y. Bengio 2000]
  • HOAG: hyperparameter optimization with approximate gradient

    • Replace $x(\lambda)$ by an approximate solution of the inner optimization.
    • Approximately solve linear system.
    • Update $\lambda$ using $~~p_k \approx \nabla f$


    Loose approximation
    Cheap iterations, might diverge.
    Precise approximation
    Costly iterations, convergence to stationary point.

    HOAG At iteration $k=1, 2,\ldots$ perform the following:

    • i) Solve the inner optimization problem up to tolerance $\varepsilon_k$, i.e. find $x_k \in \RR^p$ such that $$\|{X(\lambda_k) - x_k}\| \leq \varepsilon_k\quad.$$
    • ii) Solve the linear system up to tolerance $\varepsilon_k$. That is, find $q_k$ such that$$ \|({\nabla_{1}^2 \trainloss(x_k) + \lambda I) q_k - x_k}\| \leq \varepsilon_k \quad. $$
    • iii) Compute approximate gradient $p_k$ as $$ p_k = - \nabla_X \testloss \cdot q_k \quad, $$
    • iv) Update hyperparameters: $$ \lambda_{k+1} = P_{\DD}\left(\lambda_k - \frac{1}{L} p_k\right) \quad. $$

    Analysis - Global Convergence


    • (A1). $\trainloss$ is $L$-smooth.
    • (A2). Hessian of $\trainloss$ is non-singular (or $\lambda > 0$)
    • (A3). Domain $\DD$ is bounded (likely superfluous).

    Verified e.g. for $\ell_2$-logistic regression, Kernel ridge regression, etc.

    Main result: The gradient approximation is bounded for sufficiently large $k$

    $$ \| \nabla f(\lambda) - p_k \| = \mathcal{O}(\varepsilon_k) $$

    Analysis - Global Convergence

    Corollary: If $\{\varepsilon_k\}_{k=1}^\infty$ is a summable, $\sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \varepsilon_i \lt \infty$, then $\lambda_k$ converges to a stationary point $\lambda^*$:

    $$ \langle \nabla f(\lambda^*), \alpha - \lambda^* \rangle \geq 0 \quad,\quad \forall \alpha \in \DD $$

    $\implies$ if $\lambda^*$ is in the interior of $\DD$ then $$ \nabla f(\lambda^*) = 0 $$

    Implementation - Step size selection.

    Adaptive step size (a posteriori)

    If $ \testloss(x_k) \leq \testloss(x_{k-1}) + C \varepsilon_k ...$

    decrease stepsize: $L = 2 * L$


    increase it slightly, $L = 0.9 * L$

    A posteriori correction of the step size.

    Heuristic, don't have an analysis for this step size.

    Inspired by adaptive step size strategy in SAG [M. Schmidt et al., 2013]


    • Model: Logistic regression.
    • One hyperparameter: squared $\ell_2$ regularization.
    • Cost function $f$: log-likelihood on left-out data.
    • Dataset 1: 20news, 11313 samples, 130107 features.
    • Dataset 2: real-sim, 62874 samples, 20958 features.
    • Model: Kernel ridge regression.
    • Two hyperparameter: squared $\ell_2$ regularization.
    • Cost function $f$: squared loss on left-out data.
    • Dataset: Parkinson 653 samples, 17 features

    Experiments - cost function


    How to choose tolerance $\varepsilon^k$?

    Different strategies for the tolerance decrease. Quadratic: $\varepsilon(k), \gamma(k) = 0.1 / k^2$, Cubic: $0.1 / k^3$, Exponential: $0.1 \times 0.9^k$

    Approximate-gradient strategies achieve much faster decrease in early iterations.