Least squares with equality constrain
The following algorithm computes the Least squares solution || Ax - b|| subject to the equality constrain Bx = d. It's a classic algorithm that can be implemented only using a QR decomposition and a least squares solver. This implementation uses numpy and scipy. It makes use of the new linalg.solve_triangular function in scipy 0.9, although degrades to linalg.solve on older versions.
import numpy as np
def lse(A, b, B, d, cond=None):
Equality-contrained least squares.The following algorithm minimizes
||Ax - b|| subject to the constrain Bx = d.
A : array-like, shape=[m, n]
b : array-like, shape=[m]
B : array-like, shape=[p, n]
d : array-like, shape=[p]
cond : float, optional Cutoff for 'small' singular
values; used to determine effective rank of A. Singular values smaller
than \`\`rcond \* largest\_singular\_value\`\` are considered zero.
Matrix Computations, Golub & van Loan, algorithm 12.1.2
>>> A, b = [[0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4.5]], [1, 1]
>>> B, d = [[1, 1, 0]], [1]
>>> lse(A, b, B, d) array([-0.5 , 1.5 , -0.66666667])
from scipy import linalg
if not hasattr(linalg, 'solve_triangular'): # compatibility for old scipy
def solve_triangular(X, y, **kwargs):
return linalg.solve(X, y)
solve_triangular = linalg.solve_triangular
A, b, B, d = map(np.asanyarray, (A, b, B, d))
p = B.shape[0]
Q, R = linalg.qr(B.T)
y = solve\_triangular(R[:p, :p], d, trans='T', lower=False)
A = np.dot(A, Q)
z = linalg.lstsq(A[:, p:], b - np.dot(A[:, :p], y), cond=cond)[0].ravel()
return np.dot(Q[:, :p], y) + np.dot(Q[:, p:], z)
Update: now scipy has a function qr_multiply which would considerably speed up this code