scikit-learn coding sprint in Paris
Yesterday was the scikit-learn coding sprint in Paris. It was great to meet with old developers (Vincent Michel) and new ones: some of whom I was already familiar with from the mailing list while others came just to say hi and get familiar with the code. It was really great to have people from such different backgrounds discuss on concrete problems and getting things done. A lot of work was done, most of it unmerged yet, but if I had to highlight the three most important for me, that would be the the merge of the hcluster2 branch, the awesome work of thouis in replacing the C++ interface to the ball_tree with a Cython one and suppport for Python3 (not bug-free but imports OK). As for me, I've been working mostly in providing efficient cross-validatation for Support Vector Machines. The status of this is: low-level API seems to work fine (scikits.learn.svm.libsvm.cross_validation) but high-level API still needs some work. This is the picture featuring (most) of the people that were at the sprint around 16h in Logilab's headquarters.