Announce: first public release of lightning!, a library for large-scale linear classification, regression and ranking in Python. The library was started a couple of years ago by Mathieu Blondel who also contributed the vast majority of source code. I joined recently its development and decided it was about time for …
Together with other scikit-learn developers we've created an umbrella organization for scikit-learn-related projects named scikit-learn-contrib. The idea is for this organization to host projects that are deemed too specific or too experimental to be included in the scikit-learn codebase but still offer an API which is compatible with scikit-learn and …
Recently I've implemented, together with Arnaud Rachez, the SAGA[] algorithm in the lightning machine learning library (which by the way, has been recently moved to the new scikit-learn-contrib project). The lightning library uses the same API as scikit-learn but is particularly adapted to online learning. As for the SAGA …