Keep the gradient flowing

Archives for Keep the gradient flowing

Sat 04 May 2024
On the Link Between Optimization and Polynomials, Part 6. optimization
Sun 19 November 2023
Optimization Nuggets: Stochastic Polyak Step-size, Part 2 optimization
Fri 29 September 2023
Optimization Nuggets: Stochastic Polyak Step-size optimization
Wed 14 June 2023
On the Convergence of the Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm sampling
Sat 15 October 2022
The Russian Roulette: An Unbiased Estimator of the Limit statistics
Fri 26 August 2022
Notes on the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm, Part III: backtracking line-search optimization
Fri 27 May 2022
On the Link Between Optimization and Polynomials, Part 5 optimization
Mon 10 January 2022
Optimization Nuggets: Implicit Bias of Gradient-based Methods learning theory
Wed 15 December 2021
Optimization Nuggets: Exponential Convergence of SGD optimization
Tue 13 April 2021
On the Link Between Optimization and Polynomials, Part 4 optimization
Tue 02 March 2021
On the Link Between Optimization and Polynomials, Part 3 optimization
Mon 21 December 2020
On the Link Between Optimization and Polynomials, Part 2 optimization
Tue 07 April 2020
On the Link Between Polynomials and Optimization, Part 1 optimization
Fri 27 September 2019
How to Evaluate the Logistic Loss and not NaN trying coding
Sat 17 November 2018
Notes on the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm, Part II: A Primal-dual Analysis optimization
Thu 06 September 2018
Three Operator Splitting optimization
Wed 21 March 2018
Notes on the Frank-Wolfe Algorithm, Part I optimization
Wed 11 January 2017
Optimization inequalities cheatsheet optimization
Wed 12 October 2016
A fully asynchronous variant of the SAGA algorithm optimization
Wed 25 May 2016
Hyperparameter optimization with approximate gradient optimization
Fri 25 March 2016
Lightning v0.1 software
Sun 06 March 2016
scikit-learn-contrib, an umbrella for scikit-learn related projects. software
Mon 22 February 2016
SAGA algorithm in the lightning library misc
Fri 09 October 2015
On the consistency of ordinal regression methods learning theory
Thu 20 August 2015
Holdout cross-validation generator misc
Tue 21 April 2015
IPython/Jupyter notebook gallery misc
Tue 07 April 2015
PyData Paris - April 2015 misc
Fri 05 December 2014
Data-driven hemodynamic response function estimation misc
Fri 07 November 2014
Plot memory usage as a function of time misc
Fri 20 June 2014
Surrogate Loss Functions in Machine Learning misc
Thu 25 July 2013
Different ways to get memory consumption or lessons learned from ``memory_profiler`` misc
Mon 20 May 2013
Numerical optimizers for Logistic Regression misc
Thu 02 May 2013
Logistic Ordinal Regression misc
Tue 16 April 2013
Isotonic Regression misc
Sat 30 March 2013
Householder matrices misc
Wed 27 February 2013
Loss Functions for Ordinal regression misc
Fri 04 January 2013
Memory plots with memory_profiler misc
Sat 08 December 2012
Singular Value Decomposition in SciPy misc
Tue 23 October 2012
Learning to rank with scikit-learn: the pairwise transform misc
Tue 24 April 2012
line-by-line memory usage of a Python program misc
Sun 06 November 2011
Low rank approximation misc
Fri 14 October 2011
qr_multiply function in scipy.linalg misc
Sun 02 October 2011
scikit-learn 0.9 General, scikit-learn
Sun 04 September 2011
Reworked example gallery for scikit-learn scikit-learn
Thu 25 August 2011
scikit-learn’s EuroScipy 2011 coding sprint -- day two General, Python, scikit-learn
Tue 23 August 2011
scikit-learn EuroScipy 2011 coding sprint -- day one misc
Tue 12 July 2011
Ridge regression path misc
Thu 30 June 2011
LLE comes in different flavours General, manifold learning, scikit-learn
Tue 07 June 2011
Manifold learning in scikit-learn scikit-learn
Wed 04 May 2011
Handwritten digits and Locally Linear Embedding General, Python, scikit-learn
Wed 27 April 2011
Low-level routines for Support Vector Machines General, Python, scikit-learn
Sat 23 April 2011
new get_blas_funcs in scipy.linalg General, Python, scipy
Thu 21 April 2011
Locally linear embedding and sparse eigensolvers General, Python, scikit-learn
Wed 20 April 2011
scikits.learn is now part of pythonxy General, Python, scikit-learn
Thu 14 April 2011
Least squares with equality constrain Python, Tecnologí­a
Wed 06 April 2011
A profiler for Python extensions General, Python
Sat 02 April 2011
scikit-learn coding sprint in Paris General, scikit-learn
Mon 28 March 2011
py3k in scikit-learn General
Tue 15 February 2011
Computing the vector norm misc
Fri 11 February 2011
Smells like hacker spirit misc
Fri 31 December 2010
New examples in scikits.learn 0.6 General, scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Mon 29 November 2010
Weighted samples for SVMs sklearn, python
Wed 24 November 2010
Coming soon ... scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Fri 19 November 2010
memory efficient bindigs for libsvm General, scikit-learn
Sat 30 October 2010
solve triangular matrices using scipy.linalg scipy, Tecnologí­a
Thu 30 September 2010
LARS algorithm misc
Sun 12 September 2010
Second scikits.learn coding sprint scikit-learn
Mon 23 August 2010
Support for sparse matrices in scikits.learn General
Wed 18 August 2010
Flags to debug python C extensions. General
Fri 30 July 2010
July in Paris General
Thu 27 May 2010
Support Vector machines with custom kernels using scikits.learn General, scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Thu 22 April 2010
Howto link against system-wide BLAS library using numpy.distutils General
Mon 22 March 2010
scikits.learn 0.2 release General
Wed 17 March 2010
Plot the maximum margin hyperplane with scikits.learn General, scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Tue 09 March 2010
Fast bindings for LibSVM in scikits.learn General, scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Thu 04 March 2010
scikits.learn coding sprint in Paris scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Mon 01 February 2010
Scikit-learn 0.1 Software, scikit-learn
Thu 07 January 2010
scikit-learn project on sourceforge General, scikit-learn, Tecnologí­a
Tue 05 January 2010
After holidays General
Tue 22 December 2009
Winter in Paris is not funny General, Tecnologí­a
Tue 15 December 2009
Last days in Granada Fotos, General
Tue 15 December 2009
Learning, Machine Learning General, Tecnologí­a
Sat 12 December 2009
Moving to Paris! General
Sat 05 September 2009
Summer of Code is over General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Thu 20 August 2009
Speed improvements for ask() (sympy.queries.ask) General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Tue 18 August 2009
Logic module (sympy.logic): improving speed General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Mon 17 August 2009
Refine module sympy, Tecnologí­a
Mon 10 August 2009
Query module - finally in trunk General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Fri 07 August 2009
django, change language settings dynamically General, Tecnologí­a
Tue 21 July 2009
can we merge now, pleeease ? General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Thu 09 July 2009
Refine module, proof of concept General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Tue 30 June 2009
Preparing a new release General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Sun 28 June 2009
Efficient DPLL algorithm General
Tue 23 June 2009
Queries and performance General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Sat 20 June 2009
Reading CNF files General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Fri 19 June 2009
Logic module merged General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Mon 15 June 2009
The boolean satisfiability problem General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Fri 12 June 2009
Initial implementation of the query system General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Wed 03 June 2009
Assumption system and automatic theorem proving. Should I be learning LISP ? General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Mon 01 June 2009
Homenaje a Antonio Vega en La Percha Canciones, General, Grupo
Sun 31 May 2009
Fun with the new Logic module sympy, Tecnologí­a
Fri 15 May 2009
Boolean algebra, first steps sympy, Tecnologí­a
Mon 11 May 2009
Logic modules in python sympy, Tecnologí­a
Thu 23 April 2009
Google Summer of Code General, sympy, Tecnologí­a
Sat 24 January 2009
Django and request.POST General, Tecnologí­a
Tue 09 December 2008
Con la pasta por delante - día 2: Martos Grupo
Thu 27 November 2008
Mi ordenador General
Tue 04 November 2008
Con la pasta por delante - Día cero misc
Tue 04 November 2008
Un premio para Goyo General
Wed 29 October 2008
Los viejos amigos ... General
Thu 23 October 2008
OSWL 2008 Tecnologí­a
Thu 23 October 2008
Cambiar el color de ls para terminales con fondo oscuro misc
Mon 21 July 2008
Tú a Fuengirola, yo a California General, Grupo
Mon 23 June 2008
Cosas por hacer en esta vida ... General
Tue 10 June 2008
Cambio de planes! General, Grupo
Sun 01 June 2008
Graduado! General
Mon 19 May 2008
Teloneando en la telonera General, Grupo
Tue 13 May 2008
Los Esclavos 2.0 misc
Mon 18 February 2008
Y qué tal por Madrid? (concierto de Los Esclavos, febrero 2008) General, Grupo
Wed 23 January 2008
Concierto en Planta Baja (y en El Tren) Grupo
Wed 02 January 2008
Video de Madrid Canciones, General, Grupo
Sat 15 December 2007
Con vistas al Mar General, Historias
Mon 26 November 2007
Concierto en la Telonera Canciones, Fotos, General, Grupo
Tue 06 November 2007
Los Esclavos Canciones, Fotos, General, Grupo
Tue 07 August 2007
Producciones Peligrosas - Fin Canciones, General, Grupo
Wed 18 July 2007
Producciones Peligrosas - Dia 4 Canciones, General, Grupo
Thu 05 July 2007
Producciones Peligrosas - Dia 3 General
Wed 04 July 2007
Producciones Peligrosas - Dia 2 General, Grupo
Tue 03 July 2007
Producciones Peligrosas - Dia 1 General, Grupo
Fri 15 June 2007
Producciones Peligrosas General, Grupo
Mon 11 June 2007
Concurso Casanueva General, Grupo
Wed 06 June 2007
Fotos concierto en El Bunker misc
Thu 31 May 2007
Concierto 2 de junio en "El bunquer" General, Grupo
Thu 03 May 2007
El sol no se pone en Granada Canciones, General, Grupo
Sun 29 April 2007
Pretty printing General, Tecnologí­a
Thu 19 April 2007
Concierto en la cárcel. General, Grupo
Thu 19 April 2007
Hashing Tecnologí­a
Mon 26 March 2007
Noches de sol Grupo
Sun 25 March 2007
SymPy 0.3 Tecnologí­a
Sat 24 February 2007
Yo no soy soso General
Wed 21 February 2007
NY misc
Sat 20 January 2007
Las últimas canciones General, Grupo
Thu 18 January 2007
Parche para CLN Tecnologí­a
Wed 20 December 2006
Theremin General
Wed 13 December 2006
Paul Simon misc
Thu 23 November 2006
DOdo en la radio General, Grupo
Sat 11 November 2006
Una carta mas misc
Sat 11 November 2006
Infiltrados General
Thu 02 November 2006
Loquillo es el héroe sincero General
Wed 01 November 2006
La evolución de los mandriles misc
Fri 21 July 2006
Gran crack Canciones, General, Grupo
Sat 17 June 2006
Entrada insuperablemente absurda (Felicidades Mar) General
Fri 26 May 2006
Fin de temporada General, Grupo
Sat 20 May 2006
lavin compae festival Fotos, General, Grupo
Tue 16 May 2006
Siempre hacia Albion General, Grupo
Wed 15 March 2006
Un héroe para las ratas misc
Mon 27 February 2006
DOdo en el cine General
Wed 08 February 2006
Fotos concierto Fotos, General, Grupo
Fri 27 January 2006
Tablatura Albion General, Tablaturas
Tue 20 December 2005
Albion General
Wed 30 November 2005
Cuidado!!!, soy un gilipollas del FBI!! General, Grupo
Wed 16 November 2005
Maqueta, negocios y salir en la puta radio. General, Grupo
Mon 07 November 2005
Cumpleaños de un líder General, Grupo
Fri 04 November 2005
Algo que contar General, Grupo
Fri 16 September 2005
Las flores en el reformatorio, los mauricios en el campo General, Grupo
Tue 06 September 2005
Muerte de una banda General, Grupo
Thu 28 July 2005
The Boss (El Jefe) General
Wed 08 June 2005
Primer contacto con el exterior General, Historias
Thu 05 May 2005
Hora de grabar General
Thu 28 April 2005
Temblad terricolas General, Grupo
Thu 14 April 2005
El cielo es amapola General, Grupo
Mon 11 April 2005
Seré tu esclavo General
Tue 29 March 2005
En ocasiones veo Enris General, Grupo
Wed 09 March 2005
Despistao y con fisura de radio General
Thu 10 February 2005
Algo nuevo, algo distinto (y con un camello como mascota) General
Sun 30 January 2005
Que piensas de lo del ... ?? General
Mon 24 January 2005
Buscando gilipolleces General
Sun 23 January 2005
Feliz 2005 (se me olvidó avisarte) General
Fri 31 December 2004
Amplificadores, reyes magos y hamburguesas General
Sat 25 December 2004
En el estudio de Andrés General
Fri 03 December 2004
Una imagen que se repite. General
Tue 30 November 2004
Sin saber que en realidad debía llorar General
Sat 13 November 2004
El regreso General
Tue 09 November 2004
AITOR General
Thu 04 November 2004
El pollo es pollo y no come almendras General
Tue 19 October 2004
por telefono General
Tue 12 October 2004
Los tiempos están cambiando General
Thu 30 September 2004
Conspiración Internacional grupo